Moj sprzet to cdn2 na celeron 2,5 ,1gb ram , dysk ide 80gb ,2 sieciowki 1gb na rtl , niceshaper , i ddns ,apache ,php ,lacze 120 mbit chello .
Mam na serwie mtu 476 przez system wymuszane i chce to zmieniac automatycznie co np 10 min na 1492 . Teraz robie to z palca za pomoca pliczku w rc.d plik ma nazwe mtu i odpalam go wpisujac mtu start jego zawartosc to: #!/bin/sh ifconfig eth0 mtu 1492 Chcialem odpalac go z crona co 10 min (bo sie dosc czesto sam zmienia na 576) i dodalem wpis taki crontab -e : */10 * * * * /etc/rc.d/mtu Niestety to nie dziala wg logow to : Mar 9 19:44:01 localhost /USR/SBIN/CROND[19410]: (root) CMDOUT (/etc/rc.d/mtu: line 2: ifconfig: command not found)
Ma ktos pomysl gdzie jest blad ? albo jak zmienic zeby mtu bylo na stale 1492 ? z tego co widze w logach to mtu jest zmieniane w dhcpd.conf "Mar 4 02:43:57 localhost dhcpcd[10241]: eth0: eth0: MTU set to 576" zawartosc dhcpcd to : # A sample configuration for dhcpcd. # See dhcpcd.conf(5) for details.
# Inform the DHCP server of our hostname for DDNS. hostname # To share the DHCP lease across OSX and Windows a ClientID is needed. # Enabling this may get a different lease than the kernel DHCP client. # Some upstream DHCP servers may also require a ClientID, such as FRITZ!Box. #clientid
# A list of options to request from the DHCP server. option domain_name_servers, domain_name, domain_search, host_name option classless_static_routes # Most distributions have NTP support. option ntp_servers # Respect the network MTU. option interface_mtu # A ServerID is required by RFC2131. require dhcp_server_identifier
# A hook script is provided to lookup the hostname if not set by the DHCP # server, but it should not be run by default. nohook lookup-hostname noipv4ll
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