Freesco, NND, CDN, EOS
Dzisiaj jest wtorek, 11 lutego 2025, 10:53

Strefa czasowa UTC+2godz.

Nowy temat Odpowiedz w temacie  [ Posty: 2 ] 
Autor Wiadomość
Post: czwartek, 24 października 2013, 07:21 

Rejestracja: środa, 29 czerwca 2005, 15:54
Posty: 327
Hej koledzy skrypt restartu niceshapera 06rc8 zmien dzien ma chmod +x
: [/] [] ()
#ustawienia transferu na dzien
/usr/bin/niceshaper stop
cp /etc/niceshaper/user_d /etc/niceshaper0.6/class.ns
sleep 6
/usr/bin/niceshaper start > /etc/nslog

normalnie jak go wykonam z konsoli dzial porpawnie niceshaper sie zatrzymuje zmienia pliki i wstaje

natomista z crontaba (crontab -e) skrypt sie wykonuje, ale niceshaper niestartuje

: [/] [] ()
25 00 * * * /etc/niceshaper/zmien_dzien > /dev/null

dodalem nawet regulke w zmien_dzien by wnik startu zapisywał sie do nslog o dziwo w nslog zapisuje sie poprawny start niceshapera
: [/] [] ()
cat /etc/nslog

        Niceshaper version:0.6rc8

        <download>: Uruchamianie sekcji......................................

        Niceshaper version:0.6rc8

        <upload>: Uruchamianie sekcji......................................

        Niceshaper version:0.6rc8


        Niceshaper version:0.6rc8

skrypt z crontaba sie wykonuje zatrzymuje niceshapera kopjuje plik, staruje niceshapera ale niceshaper nie startuje jest wylaczony, o co chodzi ?

prbowalem juz nawet w skrypcie umiesci sama regurke start , restart i inne nic nie dziala niceshaper sie tylko zatrzymuje i nie wstaje :/ co jest grane ?

prosze o pomoc, dziekuje

edit a to wynik jak wykonuje skrypt z thhtpd zdalnie
: [/] [] ()
..   [stop]
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: tc: command not found

   Niceshaper version:0.6rc8

   <download>: Uruchamianie iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found

   Niceshaper version:0.6rc8

   <upload>: Uruchamianie iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
.sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: tc: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found

   Niceshaper version:0.6rc8


   Niceshaper version:0.6rc8

sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found
sh: iptables: command not found

mhymm teraz pytanie brzmi jak zrobic by niceshaper sam sie restartowal :/ z crontaba ?

1xC2D 2,6ghz 2mb l2| 2 gb ddr2 | SSD 32 GB OCZ | 2.4.35-2nnd + modyfikacje
1xC2D 2,8Ghz | RAID 2x500 | CDN 2 3.1.1-4
Łącze: 500 / 500 TKT + LEVEL BGP

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Post: czwartek, 24 października 2013, 07:43 

Rejestracja: środa, 29 czerwca 2005, 15:54
Posty: 327
PS znalazłem rozwiązanie, ale ciekawy jestem jak szybko ktos to rozwiąże :D :)

1xC2D 2,6ghz 2mb l2| 2 gb ddr2 | SSD 32 GB OCZ | 2.4.35-2nnd + modyfikacje
1xC2D 2,8Ghz | RAID 2x500 | CDN 2 3.1.1-4
Łącze: 500 / 500 TKT + LEVEL BGP

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